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How to Navigate in the Mobile App

In this guide, you will find information regarding menus, layers, and search bars.

Mikus Villeruss avatar
Written by Mikus Villeruss
Updated over a year ago

ShipIntel is a cross-platform; laptop and mobile software. The mobile version can be downloaded through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

After signing up or logging in to the ShipIntel app this is the view you will see:


Your position:

1) Click on the bullet eye in the upper left corner. The map will then zoom in on your given position:

On the map, if turned on, you will see nearby ships and ports.


1) Click on the boat button in the upper right corner to select vessel segments shown on the map:

In ShipIntel, you have the possibility to choose which segments to show on the map. Both segments and sub-segments:

2) Next to vessel segments you find vessel lists. Here you can create lists of vessels. If you have created a vessel list it will be visible here:

You can easily turn on and off vessel lists viewed on the map by clicking on the button to the right of the vessel list name.


1) Click on the anchor button in the upper right corner to see the different port options:

For the ports, you have different segment options. You can turn on and off dynamic selection, and bunker ports, and explore the specific segments:

2) Next to port segments you have port lists. Here you have the possibility to create lists of ports or view already existing lists:

Enabling the button right of the different port lists will make the selected ports visible on the map.

If you press and hold on one of the port lists this menu will pop up:

Use the menu to navigate in the port segment and lists.

Style and layers:

1) Click on the pencil button in the upper right corner to choose map style and layers:

Choose between three different map styles and several map layers:

Search bar:

1) At the top of the front screen in ShipIntel you find the search bar:

Use the search bar to find vessels or ports of your interest:

In the upper right corner, you can set different filters for your search.

Use vessel filters to find preferred vessels. You have the same option for ports.


Next to the search fields, you can see a bell. Use this button to access notifications in the app. All notifications on vessels or ports set by you will be visible here:

Vessel cards:

1) Whenever you like you can click on vessels on the map. By clicking on a vessel a small vessel card will pop up:

2) Click on the vessel card to see more information:

3) For more details click on the "see more" button at the bottom of the screen:

4) Underneath the vessel name you have a menubar with different options:

Notifications: Click on the "notification" button to see different options for notifications regarding the selected vessel:

View in map: Click on the "View in map" if you would like to see where the vessel is located:

Voyage history: Click on the "voyage history" button to get an overview of the selected vessel's voyage history:

Team notes: Click on the "team notes" button to open notes you and your teammates have added to the selected vessel. Or create a new note.

Create route: Click on the "create route" button to create a route for the selected vessel. Add a destination port by clicking on the "add port" button.

After adding a destination you have to click on the "show route" button at the bottom of the screen to show the routing:

Add to list: Click on the "add to list" button to add a selected vessel to one of your existing vessel lists or create a new list:

Add image: Click on the "add image" button to add personal images to the selected vessel. Photos are only visible to you and your team.

Companies: Use the "Companies" button to add a company to the selected vessel. Information about companies is only visible to you and your team.


In the lower menu bar, you will find the earth button. Use this button to get back to the map from any of the other views in the app:

Sea Routes:

In the lower menu bar, you will find the sea route button. Use this button to create sea routes. You will get the option to create routes from a vessel's position or from a port:

Team Resources:

In the lower menu bar, you will find the team resources button which looks like a folder. Use this button to access team notes, photos, vessel lists, port lists, AIS contact book, and notifications:


In the lower menu bar, you will find the my page/profile button. Use this button to access your account settings, your team, general settings, help page, and to update the app:

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