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Notifications in ShipIntel

In this guide, we will show you how to turn on notifications to your vessels or ports, and how to access them in the sidebar.

Mikus Villeruss avatar
Written by Mikus Villeruss
Updated over 8 months ago

In ShipIntel, you can activate notifications for different types of vessel and port events.

The ShipIntel notifications allow you to stay updated with your team's activities as well as activities of vessels and ports that you follow.

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Different types of Notifications

ShipIntel let's you activate notifications on vessels and ports.

Notifications on Vessels

Notifications on Vessels notifies you of vessel specific events. The vessel notifications include:

  • Notifications based on Area Activity, notifying you or your team when selected vessels enter or exit selected areas.

  • Notifications based on Crossing Lines, notifying you or your team when selected vessels have crossed a selected lines.

  • Notifications based on Port Activity, notifying you or your team when selected vessels change destination, or has arrivals or departures in selected ports.

Notifications on Ports

Notifications on Ports notifies you of port specific events. The port notifications include:

  • Notifications on Arrivals, notifying you or your team of vessels arriving at the selected ports.

  • Notifications on Departures, notifying you or your team when vessels are departing selected ports.

  • Notifications on vessels setting destination to the selected port.

How to turn on Notifications - General

This is how to activate notifications in ShipIntel:

  1. Open the vessel card or a port card for the one (vessel or port) you want to receive notifications on.

  2. Click on the bell icon at the top of the information card. This opens up the notification options.

  3. Select by ticking off the event-specific notifications you want from the list.

How to turn on Vessel Notifications

Notification for vessels can be activated either from the vessel card in map view or from the vessel details view.

Setting notifications from the vessel details window:

1) In the vessel details window, you can activate notifications by clicking on the bell icon in the top-right.

2) Once you have clicked on the bell, a window with the different notification categories will pop up

3) Click on one of the categories to activate notifications.

Setting notifications from the vessel map view:

1) When viewing a vessel card in map view, you can activate vessel notifications by clicking on the bell icon located at the top right hand side of the vessel card to the left of the map.

2) Once you have clicked on the bell, a window with the different notification categories will pop up.

3) Click on one of the categories to activate notifications.

How to turn on Port Event notifications for Vessels in ShipIntel

Adding port events to a vessel keeps you and your team notified for arrivals, departures and destination changes for the selected vessel.

1) Following the steps above, after clicking on Port Events, and select the type of event you want by ticking of from the menu.

2) To set the port you want the notifications to apply to, press "Add" to search for a port, or press the three dots to select a port from one of your port lists, as shown in the picture below.

3) Tick of whether or not you want the notification to only be sent to you or if you want the whole team to be notified.

How to turn on Area Event notifications for Vessels in ShipIntel

When activating area event notification for vessels, you and your team will get notified when vessels you follow enter and exit the defined maritime areas around the world.

1) Following the steps above, click on Area Events, and select the type of event you want to get notifications on by ticking of from the menu.

2) Select areas if you want to specify the area on which you want to receive notifications for.



Only receive notifications when vessels interact with selected areas.

Get Notified for Entry / Exit in the defined areas around the world.

Notified for arrivals / departures / destination changes for the vessel

Get Notified for arrivals / departures / destination changes for the vessel

option to start adding the notification category to add

As events occur notifications will appear under Notifications in the main menu.
You will also receive notifications on your mobile phone while logged into the ShipIntel mobile app.

At the top of the information card you will see a bell. Click on the bell to open up the notification options.

Select by ticking off the event-specific notifications you want from the list.

From the information card in map view

To activate notifications, open a ship card or a port card for the one (port or ship) you want to receive notifications on.

ifiget notified when vessels enter/exit selected areas

vessels have crossed the selected lines

vessels changes destination or has arrivals/departures in selected ports




Vessels setting destination to the selected port

Get notified when vessels changes destination or has arrivals/departures in selected ports

Notifications on Vessels: These notifications let you know when the vessel arrives or departs a port, or when they set a new destination.

  • Notifications on Ports: These notifications let you know when the port has new arrivals.

You can set notifications by clicking on the bell icon from the vessel and port cards. When you have set notifications on vessels or ports, you can find them by clicking the if you press the "Notification" option in the left menu bar, when in map view.

You can get notifications for vessels by clicking on the bell icon from the vessel and port cards. When you have set notifications on vessels or ports, you can find them listed in the Notification feature in the left side menu.

If you upgrade you can filter, sort, search and manage your notifications.

In ShipIntel you can set notifications by clicking on the bell icon from the vessel and port cards. When you have set notifications on vessels or ports, you can find them listed if you press the "notification" button in the left menu bar, when in map view.

What do notifications do?

  • Notifications on Vessels: These notifications let you know when the vessel arrives or departs a port, or when they set a new destination.

  • Notifications on Ports: These notifications let you know when the port has new arrivals.

How to Turn on Notifications

1) Open a vessel or port card in ShipIntel.

2) Then click on the button with a bell icon on it.

When the button turns green, the notifications are on.

3) Choose event notifications for your port.

To turn off the notifications you can click on the blue button one more time and it will change to a light green shade again. If you want to remove notifications you can remove them from the notifications centre or on the vessel/vessel list/port/port list in question.

4) After adding vessels and ports to notifications they will be visible in the notification view:

Feel free to filter your notifications and change triggers by using the two buttons in the upper right corner.

How to Access and Manage the Port & Area Monitoring Feature

Port & Area Monitoring is one of the modules you can upgrade. In this module, you can manage all your notifications in one place and set different notification triggers for different vessels, ports, crossing lines and areas. Without upgrading, you have access to arrival notifications on vessels. By upgrading, you will also get access to notifications for arrivals, new destinations, area notifications, crossing line notifications and notifications to full vessel and port lists.

The Port & Area Module also gives you access statistics about ports and areas and much more! Start monitoring vessels, ports and areas in a whole new way today!

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