In Maritime Optima we prioritize your personal security. That is why we have made it easy to change your password in ShipIntel should you ever want or need to change it.
Don't have an account yet?
Changing or Reseting Your ShipIntel Password
Step 1
1) Click on the "My Profile" icon at the bottom of your screen in the left corner.
In the screenshot below "Maritime Optima" is the "My profile" icon.
2) Once on the "My Profile" page, click on the button that says "Edit profile".
3) Your profile page will appear. Press "Change password". This button is located next to "Save changes".
4) Click on the "Send me my link" button. You will then get a reset link sent to your email.
Step 2
1) Check your email inbox for a mail from us that says
"Reset password for ShipIntel by Maritime Optima!"
Please check the spam folders if you can't find the email in your inbox.
2) Follow the instructions stated in the email.