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ShipIntel Mobile: Understanding Map Layers

This guide will explain each map layer's purpose, and how they provide key maritime information for effective decision-making.

Line Omholt-Jensen avatar
Written by Line Omholt-Jensen
Updated over 5 months ago

Enhancing your understanding of ShipIntel’s features is important for effective use. That is why this guide provides detailed insights into the purpose and significance of each map layer.

ShipIntel offers ten distinct map layers to keep you well-informed at all times:


  • INL

  • Polar

  • Sea ice

  • Waterways

  • Judicial Zones

  • Load Lines

  • ASAM

  • War Zones

  • Wind Farms

  • Oil & Gas Fields

You can add multiple layers to your ShipIntel map simultaneously, but note that map layers are not available with the satellite map style.


ECA/SECA stands for Emission Control Area/Sulphur Emission Control Area.

As of 1st January 2020, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) enforced the Sulphur Emission Regulations which require that all ships reduce their Sulphur emissions from 3,5 % to 0,5% in all of the world's seas.

The implementation of the global 0.50% Sulphur limit has not changed the requirements applicable to the four ECAs designated under Regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI. So in the North American, US Caribbean, the North Sea, and the Baltic 0,10% Sulphur limit continues to apply. In addition, several countries have implemented even stronger limits in their ECA/SECA zones. To find the applicable regulation just click on the highlighted sone to get the specific requirements.

How to use: Click on each area to get specific information about the limit.


The International Navigating Limits (INL) define the geographical limits within which ships can operate without incurring additional insurance premiums from hull and machinery and other relevant underwriters.

How to use: Click on each area to get specific information about the limits.


The Polar Zones map layer highlights areas covered by the IMO's Polar Code, which sets regulations for ships operating in these regions.

How to use: Click on each area to get specific information about the polar codes.


This map layer shows the limits of the current sea ice and is updated from NSIDC daily.


The waterways map layer highlights important canals or waterways.

How to use: Click on the highlighted canal or waterway to get information about the applicable restrictions.


The Judicial Zones layer displays areas with specific legal frameworks for managing resources and enforcing laws, such as Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) and territorial seas.

How to use: Click on each area to view details about the country it belongs to.


The Load Line map layer provides information on the dates when deadweight restrictions apply in each zone.

How to use: Click on the applicable load line zone to get specific information about the dates.


The ASAM layer highlights areas where anti-shipping incidents have taken place in the last 365 days.

How to use: Click on each highlight to get a description of the different incidents.


The War Zone layer highlights regions that pose high navigation risks or are designated as conflict zones.

How to use: Click on each highlighted area to learn more about the specific conflicts affecting the region.


This layer will highlight wind farms located on the water.

How to use: Click on each highlight to learn the names of the wind farms.

Oil & Gas Fields

This layer highlights oil & gas fields in the ocean.

How to use: Click on each area to learn more about the specific field.

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