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Navigating in the main map view

A look at how the main shipping view looks and how a maritime employee can navigate in the app.

Written by Tor H. Augdal
Updated over a week ago

Navigating in the main map view

You can add layers of information, search and find vessels and ports, select and deselect the vessel segments / types of vessels you want to find in your map.

You will find the whole merchant fleets AIS positions in almost real-time. All the vessels have a valid IMO, MMSI and are using a class A sender. Click on a vessel or port and find more information.

You can create list of vessels and ports and add as layers yo your map. are interested in, and access their real-time AIS position and some technical data.

You can log in to your ShipIntel from anywhere, from your mobile device or from your laptop.

Top menu

Use the search function on top to search for vessels or ports.

Use the top menu button with the image of a ship to choose which ship segments (for example tankers - Aframax) you want to view on your map or make a list of vessels.

Use the top menu button with an image of an anchor to choose what ports to see on your map or make a list of ports. If you select dynamic selections, the ports in your map, will change when you change the vessel segment.

Use the top menu button with a pen image to select layers of information on your map.

Bottom menu

Use the right hand button to access your account details, manage your team, change your settings or contact the help desk.

Use the folder button to access your team notes, photos, vessel and port lests, and set notification triggers.

Use the ship route button to access your sea route calculator where you can calculate the distance from a specific port or vessel.

Use the map button to view the map with the vessels you have chosen.

Click on vessels and ports in the map

Click on a vessel or a port in the map and find the vessels track and view where she come from and where she is heading.

Zoom in on the port and find which vessels are in the port and presently waiting at anchorage.

Click on the vessel or port card to find more details

If you have any questions, please just send us an e-mail: or a message from the chat.


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