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For ShipIntel and ShipAtlas

Kristin Omholt-Jensen avatar
Written by Kristin Omholt-Jensen
Updated over 10 months ago

You can log in to your account from your PC, laptop, iPhone, or Android device.

To access the ShipAtlas and ShipIntel Applications from your laptop, desktop, or mobile phone, you need access to WIFI, cabled net, or 3G.

We support Safari, and Chromium-based browsers (like Google Chrome, Brave, and Microsoft Edge).

Special note for laptops:

We don't support old Windows machines with small screens and low PPI (pixels per inch).

Special requirements for Android devices:

ShipAtlas and ShipIntel by Maritime Optima operate on Android 6 (API 23) and newer versions.

Special requirements for iPhones devices:

ShipAtlas or ShipIntel by Maritime Optima operates on Apple iPhone 8 and newer versions, with iOS 13.4 or newer.

The Rules and Principles of the Universal Design

We support the Rules and Principles of Universal Design but admit that we cannot always support the combination of big letters and small screens on all types of devices. If you want to use our applications but find it hard to do because you need big letters and have a small screen, please send us an e-mail to


Customers using the Microsoft 365 and support the Microsoft Entra protocol, can tell their employees to login to ShipIntel by using the Microsoft SSO. Then ShipIntel becomes a part of your company's IT data and security policy and your employees data is then protected by the Microsoft Entra protocol.ShipIntel runs on Microsoft Azure.
For Microsoft 365 users the ShipIntel Essential application can be integrated in their Microsoft Teams subscriptions.

ShipIntel runs on Microsoft Azure.

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