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Notifications in ShipAtlas

In this guide, we will show you how to turn on notifications to your vessels or ports, and how to access them in "My Resources".

Line Omholt-Jensen avatar
Written by Line Omholt-Jensen
Updated over a week ago

In this guide you can learn and read more aboout:

What do notifications do?

  • Notifications on Vessels: These notifications let you know when the vessel arrives at a port.

  • Notifications on Ports: These notifications let you know when the port has new arrivals.

How to Turn on Notifications

There is nothing more annoying than getting spammed with unnecessary notifications. That is why ShipAtlas allows you to personalize the notifications so you can stay updated on as many, or as few, happenings as you want!

Steps to take:

1) Open a vessel or port card in ShipAtlas.

2) Click on the button with a bell icon on it.

3) A pop-up with the different notification categories will appear. Here you can choose from your own preferences.

The notifications categories for ports:

The notifications categories for vessels:

Note: You can select as many areas as you want.

3) When you are done simply click "follow" and close the pop-up. The notification button in your port or vessel card will turn blue when notifications are on.

To turn off or change the notifications click on the blue button one more time and repeat the steps above. You can also manage your notifications under "Notifications" in the sidebar menu.

How to Access and Manage the Monitoring Feature

Monitoring is a feature that you can unlock under the Premium Plan. Under monitoring you can manage all your notifications at one place and set different notification triggers for different vessels and/or ports.

With the monitoring feature you can also access statistics about ports and areas, and much more! Start to monitor ports and areas in a whole new way already today!


Congratulations! πŸŽ‰

You now know how to turn on/off your notifications.

The next guide will explain how to create your sea routes - from a port. :)

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