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How to Change the Colors of Your Vessel Segments

In this guide, we will teach you how to change the color of your vessel segments.

Line Omholt-Jensen avatar
Written by Line Omholt-Jensen
Updated over a week ago

When choosing a lot of different vessel segments or subsegments it is hard to separate them in the map. That is why we have made it possible to change the color of the vessel segments in ShipAtlas

Changing Color for the Whole Vessel Segment

Steps to take:

1) Open your map and click on the button with the "Vessel" icon on the upper-right corner of ShipAtlas map. A menu of the different vessel segments will appear.

To change the color of your vessel segment you will need to finding the sub-segments currently showing on your map.

3) Hover over the "all sub-segments" button.

A pop-up with the name of your chosen segment and color palette icon will appear.

4) To change the color you need to click on your prefered color in the palette.

6) Once you are happy with changes, close the vessel sub-segment overview by clicking on the map behind it.

Changing Color for One Vessel Sub-Segment

Sometimes we also may want to separate the sub-segments from each other

to better organize our map. Luckily this is easily done in ShipAtlas!

Steps to take:

1) Open the vessel segment menu and find the sub-segment you want to change the color of.

2) Once the sub-segments of your chosen segment are displayed, just hover over the name of a sub-segment. A pop-up with the name of your chosen segment and color palette icon will appear.

4) To change the color you need to click on the color palette. Select one of the 16 color options by clicking on it.

5) Once you are happy with changes, close the vessel sub-segment overview by clicking on the "X" on top of it or map behind it.

Enjoy a colorful and yet recognizable map!πŸŽ‰

Next step

Congratulations! πŸŽ‰

You now know how to change the colors of your vessel segments.

In the next guide, you will learn how to access the vessel cards in ShipAtlas.

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