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How to get an overview over all your shipping info in one place

Written by Tor H. Augdal
Updated over a week ago

ShipIntel is designed to enable teamwork. This means that any note, photo, lists or notifications are shared in the team.

To find an overview of all the information your team has gathered, you can click on the Home button in the left menu. You will then find a dashboard of the different types of team resources available.

Click on Notes to find the notes about ports or vessels that you team has written. Click on the port or vessel in the list to see the notes.

Click on Photos to find the photos of port facilities or vessels that you team has taken. Click on the port or vessel of interest to see the photos.

Click on Vessel List or Port List to see the vessel or port lists that your team has added. Click on the list to see the vessels or the ports.

In addition you will find your last seen Vessels and Ports below the main dashboard.

To the right you will find a list of your activity or the team activity. You can switch between the two lists by choosing the view you are looking for at the top of the list.

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