How to Edit Your Settings

In this guide, you will learn how to edit your settings in ShipAtlas.

Mikus Villeruss avatar
Written by Mikus Villeruss
Updated over a week ago

Now that you have learned how to edit your account, it is time to set proper settings for your account in ShipAtlas. This will enable tailor-made experience within the app set up by yourself! :)

How to Edit Your Settings

Step 1

Go back to the "My Profile" page in ShipAtlas.

Now, click on the "Settings" section.

Step 2

On this page, you can change the theme of the colors in the app, turn off/on your location and manage your notifications.

Just click on the section you want to edit and make the changes you want.

Note that the notification button automatically will bring you to your notification settings on your mobile.


"Your Location":


Congratulations! πŸŽ‰

You now know how to manage your app settings!

In the next guide, you will learn what to do when you have questions about ShipAtlas.

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