Register ShipAtlas Account with Email Address

In this guide, you will learn how to register a new account in ShipAtlas by selecting your personal email address as authorization method.

Mikus Villeruss avatar
Written by Mikus Villeruss
Updated over a week ago

When you open the ShipAtlas app the first thing you will see is the sign-in page.

To register a new account in ShipAtlas, click on "Create Account".

How to Register Using Your Email

Step 1

Type in your email address and your chosen password in the sections below the single sign-on icons. Confirm your password by repeating it in the last section and then click on the "Create Account" button.

If you want to see the signs that are written while typing your password, click on the eye icon with a slash line over it. When done correctly, the slash line will disappear.

When all the neccessary details are entered, click on "Create account".

Note that you need to create a password with at least 6 letters.

Step 2

After you complete Step 1, check your email inbox for the activation verification link to complete your signup. If you don't see the email, please check the Spam and Promotions folders.

You can also contact us at if you need any help.

Step 3

After verifying your account (by pressing on the provided link) you will be sent to ShipAtlas´ introduction site.

Here you can read about our most popular features and our limited paid features.

All you have to do is scroll down your device's screen.

At the bottom of your screen, you will find the account details.

In the section of "Account details" you will need to type in your first and last name, and choose the company type.

By selecting the appropriate company type you will enable a tailored experience.

To choose the comapny type, just click on the company type section and start scrolling down to find the most appropriate description.

If you do not relate to any of the written suggestions, click on "Other" and continue your registration by clicking on "Continue".

Step 4

The last part of your registration is "Your Preferences".

In this section you can choose the theme of the app (light or dark), map style, and what kind of vessels you want to be shown on your map. You can select as many types of vessels as you want.

Note that your preferences can be changed later in the app.

When you are happy with your choices, click on the "Ready to Go" button

and get ready to experience ShipAtlas!

Next step:

Congratulations! 🎉 You have now completed your registration.

The next guide will show you how to log in and out of your account.

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