Port Information

How to see all the information available about a port.

Written by Tor H. Augdal
Updated over a week ago

If you click on a port in the map you get the main information about the port on the left of your screen. You have 20 free views before you have to update. The port view includes vessels in port, recent departures, and vessels waiting at anchorage, as well as information about the bunker prices (if available) and the current weather conditions. You will also see the port, the vessels currently in ports, and the vessels at anchorage highlighted in the map.

If you click on any of the four buttons on your lower left side you will see a list of those vessels. Hover with your pointer over the vessel to get more details, or click on the vessel to get to the vessel page.

If you click on the more details you will get a new page that contains all the info available about the port. You can also access this page by choosing a port from one of your port lists.

On this page you will see different options highlighted in the screenshot below:

There you can find a list of vessels in port, recent departures, and at anchorage and when they arrived and/or left. You will find a five day weather forecast and tidal conditions. You can see various maximum restrictions we have seen for different vessel segments, and you can see the bunker prices quoted in the last seven days.

In addition you have the possibility to add photos, documents and notes that are relevant to this port.

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