My Profile

How to manage your account

Written by Tor H. Augdal
Updated over a week ago

You will find your profile at the very bottom of the left hand menu. When you click you will find a screen with all the information required to manage your profile and your team. In the upper right hand corner there are three buttons where you can edit your account details, change your password or log out of ShipIntel. You will also find a list of modules available for purchase and the modules you have subscribed to. Click on the Manage Team button to find information about your team. If you belong to more than one team you can click the Change team button to switch between teams.

In the manage team screen you will see all the members of your team both active and deactivated. You can click on the Invite Members button to add new members to your team.

If you click the Team Setting button in the upper right corner you will get a new card on the right hand side. Here you can enable domain lock, which means that only members with the same domain ending in their e-mail will be approved as members of the team.

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