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View Your Vessel List on the Map from Sidebar Menu - ShipAtlas Web

In this guide, we will show you how to view the ship segments from your vessel lists on the ShipAtlas map via the sidebar menu.

Line Omholt-Jensen avatar
Written by Line Omholt-Jensen
Updated over 7 months ago

Wouldn't it be practical to view only the ships from a specific list on your map? With ShipAtlas, this is not only possible but also easy to do!

Step 1:

Click on "Vessel lists" under your resources in the sidebar menu in ShipAtlas.

Step 2:

1) Select one or more vessel lists by clicking on the boxes next to the name of the vessel list.

2) Click on the button that says "View in map" in the upper right corner of your vessel list. The vessels and respective lists will be presented on your screen.

Step 3:

After you have clicked on "View in map" button in the upper right corner of your vessel list. The ships and respective vessel lists will be presented on your screen.

To view more information and the live AIS position of a ship in your vessel list, simply click on the ship in the list displayed on the left-hand side.

We recommend playing around with this feature until you get the hang of it.

You may have noticed that ships in the same vessel list share the same color and have a circle around them, making it easy to distinguish them if you are viewing multiple lists simultaneously.

Congratulations! πŸŽ‰

You now know how to view your vessel lists on your ShipAtlas map!

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