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Reset Your Password - ShipAtlas Web

In this article, you will learn how to reset your ShipAtlas password. The information is not relevant for those who use the SSO login.

Line Omholt-Jensen avatar
Written by Line Omholt-Jensen
Updated over 6 months ago

At Maritime Optima, we prioritize your security, which is why we've made it very easy to change your password in ShipAtlas whenever you need to.

Note: If you have registered your account using SSO login, this guide does not apply to you.

How to Reset Your Password

Step 1:

Click on the "My Profile" icon located in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Once on the "My Profile" page, click on the "Settings" button.

Step 2:

In settings, click on the "Change password" button.

ShipAtlas will ask you for permission to send you an email with a link to reset your password. To reset your password, click on the "Send me my link" button.

To confirm your choice, ShipAtlas will display the following screen:

Step 3:

Go to your email inbox and check for an email from Maritime Optima saying "Set up a new password for ShipAtlas".

If you can't find the email in your inbox, please check the spam and promotion folders. If you still can't find it, go back to the ShipAtlas page and click on "Request a new link".

When you do find it, open the email and click on the button that says "Reset password".

Step 4:

Clicking the button will open a page in ShipAtlas, where you need to type in your new password. You will also need to confirm your password by re-typing it below.

If you want to see the signs that are written while typing your password, click on the eye icon with a slash line over it. When done correctly, the slash line will disappear.

Once you are done, click on the "Change My Password" button. This will bring you back to the ShipAtlas webpage, successfully logged in with a new password!

Note: The next time you log in, you will have to type in your new password.

Congratulations! πŸŽ‰

You now know how to reset your password.

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