How to Edit Your Account Details

In this guide, you will learn how to edit your account details in ShipAtlas.

Mikus Villeruss avatar
Written by Mikus Villeruss
Updated over a week ago

Now that you have set up an account in ShipAtlas,

it is time you learn how to manage it.

The first thing we are going to look at is how to manage your account details.

How to Edit Your Account Details

Step 1

Click on the button with an icon of a person in the main menu

at the bottom right of your screen.

This will bring you to the "My profile" page in the app.

On this side, four sections are shown;

  • "My Account"

  • "Settings"

  • "Help"

  • "About"

For now, click on "My Account" and then on "Account Details".

Step 2

To edit your account details, click on the section you want to change or add to.

  • The first half of the page shows your account details where you can edit or add your name, phone number, and bio.

  • The second half is where you find the details about your company.

    In this section, you can edit your company's name, the type of your company

    (a description of what type of services your company performs) and what your position is in the company.

When you are done editing click on the "Update" button to save the changes you have made.

After a successful update you will see a green notification pop-up which will inform you that the account details are updated.

Next step

Congratulations! πŸŽ‰

You now know how to manage your profile settings!

In the next guide, you will learn what how to edit your settings!

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